
Showing posts from 2016

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story is about more than just a baby coming to earth in a quaint manger in an obscure village in ancient Israel. It is the invasion of a dark rebellious world by a powerful Savior. It is about God coming Himself to rescue His own people from imminent death. Christmas is victory.

The Story of God

Heather Erickson reads us the story of God from beginning to end. Despite the world's present condition and our perception of it, the story of God has never changed throughout all of history: He is redeeming a people for His name. His redemptive nature has always been present from Adam to Jesus to us.

Gospel Identity

Guest speaker Jeff Alexander is the Director of Chi Alpha in Indiana and the Great Lakes. Jeff masterfully leads us to uncover a simple yet elusive truth: our identity in Christ and glorifying Him despite our imperfections. Who God is and what He has done will always lead us to the right answer about who we are and what we should do.

The Kingdom of God and the United States of America

Political seasons can cause us to lose perspective, especially this season. Democracy and the Kingdom of God aren't as compatible as you might think. Though the Kingdom of God does not relieve us of our responsibility as citizens of the United States, it does hold us to a higher worldview. God will not judge us on our voting record but on how we live out Kingdom values.

Every Student Welcomes

Andy Erickson brings up a valid point: A single-cultural gospel is not the real gospel. God's heart is for all nations, for all peoples, for all ethnicities. Foreign missions is a great thing, but what are we doing to reach those God has brought to our own campus from other nations, many of which are closed to missionaries?

Missions: Make Disciples Everywhere

Guest speaker Jim Palmer is the Assistant Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Ohio and also serves as the state Missions Director. He walks us through missions from origin to today and from where missions is to where God is taking it.

Pursue Passion

John Mbagwu speaks to us one last time as Wright State Chi Alpha's official faculty adviser. Jesus needs His followers in every field of the marketplace to bring Him glory. Ask for help, take risks, and do the things He's placed in your heart. Work hard and pray harder.

Following Jesus 201

Andy Erickson dives deeper on the "In" pillar: Community. Are we really going as deep as we think we are? Community is vital to being a part of the body of Christ. Inside community, we can find refuge and strength to live for Jesus.

The Journey

Heather Erickson leads us in a very important conversation about a two-fold journey: knowing God and knowing ourselves. Whether we feel like we are 3 feet or 3 miles from knowing Him, we can see more and more that our own identity is wrapped up in His as we approach Him. The more we find out who He is, the more we learn about our true self.

Following Jesus 101

Andy Erickson introduces our most fundamental pillars: Up (Love God), In (Love Community), and Out (Live on Mission). How well are we balancing these three areas in our walk with Jesus? What evidence do we have to support these concepts in our life?

Who Is Jesus?

It's our Fall Kickoff service! Andy Erickson causes causes us to ask ourselves a simple question: Who is Jesus? Before we can decide to follow Him or believe what He says, we have to answer this question first. Who Jesus is will make way for who He'll be in our lives.