
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Kingdom of God and the United States of America

Political seasons can cause us to lose perspective, especially this season. Democracy and the Kingdom of God aren't as compatible as you might think. Though the Kingdom of God does not relieve us of our responsibility as citizens of the United States, it does hold us to a higher worldview. God will not judge us on our voting record but on how we live out Kingdom values.

Every Student Welcomes

Andy Erickson brings up a valid point: A single-cultural gospel is not the real gospel. God's heart is for all nations, for all peoples, for all ethnicities. Foreign missions is a great thing, but what are we doing to reach those God has brought to our own campus from other nations, many of which are closed to missionaries?

Missions: Make Disciples Everywhere

Guest speaker Jim Palmer is the Assistant Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Ohio and also serves as the state Missions Director. He walks us through missions from origin to today and from where missions is to where God is taking it.